20 de septiembre de 2013 (I)
Hola a todos:
Espero que estéis bien y hayáis tenido un buen verano. Yo estuve en Sudáfrica en agosto y luego, desde que he venido, no ha habido más que líos en el trabajo. Las clases empiezan el lunes 23, por lo que espero que las cosas se calmen pronto.
Tengo muchas cosas que me habéis enviado o han sucedido. Poco a poco lo iré reenviando y espero ponerme pronto al día. Os ruego un poco de paciencia.
Sin embargo, la primera noticia es una muy triste. Ha fallecido a los 99 años de edad Don Martín de Riquer, maestro medievalista e notable investigador artúrico. Os he adjuntado información publicada por los periódicos ABC de Madrid, y La Vanguardia de Barcelona. Una larga y fructífera vida. Lo echaremos de menos, aunque nos ha quedado su gran obra.
Espero que estéis bien y hayáis tenido un buen verano. Yo estuve en Sudáfrica en agosto y luego, desde que he venido, no ha habido más que líos en el trabajo. Las clases empiezan el lunes 23, por lo que espero que las cosas se calmen pronto.
Tengo muchas cosas que me habéis enviado o han sucedido. Poco a poco lo iré reenviando y espero ponerme pronto al día. Os ruego un poco de paciencia.
Sin embargo, la primera noticia es una muy triste. Ha fallecido a los 99 años de edad Don Martín de Riquer, maestro medievalista e notable investigador artúrico. Os he adjuntado información publicada por los periódicos ABC de Madrid, y La Vanguardia de Barcelona. Una larga y fructífera vida. Lo echaremos de menos, aunque nos ha quedado su gran obra.
Hello everybody,
I hope you all are doing well and that you enjoyed your summer. I was in South Africa in August, and, then, when back, we have had an endless number of problems at work. Classes begin this Monday 23, so I hope things will begin to calm down soon.
I have received many things from you. And I also have many things to tell you. Slowly, I will catch up with all of them. Please, be patient.
However, I have a first very sad bad news. Don Martín de Riquer, master medievalist and outstanding Arthurian reserchers, has died. He was 99 years of age. I have attached what the Madrid newspaper ABC and the Barcelona one La Vanguardia have published this week. A long and fruitful life indeed. We will miss him, in spite of the fact that he has left his huge work behind.
Take care,
I hope you all are doing well and that you enjoyed your summer. I was in South Africa in August, and, then, when back, we have had an endless number of problems at work. Classes begin this Monday 23, so I hope things will begin to calm down soon.
I have received many things from you. And I also have many things to tell you. Slowly, I will catch up with all of them. Please, be patient.
However, I have a first very sad bad news. Don Martín de Riquer, master medievalist and outstanding Arthurian reserchers, has died. He was 99 years of age. I have attached what the Madrid newspaper ABC and the Barcelona one La Vanguardia have published this week. A long and fruitful life indeed. We will miss him, in spite of the fact that he has left his huge work behind.
Take care,